Tuesday, April 21, 2009

slow down in reporting at tspoonfr

If you have noticed the reduction in blogs posted over the past week, I must apologise to my faithful readers and offer an explanation. No, I have not been inducted by the weed aliens and shipped the the planet 'Sativa'. No, I have not been held hostage in Guantanamo Bay or wherever Barak Obama allegedly keeps those citizens who do not agree with his policies, ooops I mean fundamental terrorists who are against democracy and will not stop and intend on turning the entire globe into Muslims. And no, I have not landed the Assistant position at Liverpool F.C. in the run up to the Premiership title.

I understand there has been a lot in the news recently, what with the murder, ooops again, the alleged and unlawful killing of the G20 protester who died last week. Also in the news has been the hijacking of a plane in Jamaica on Monday. You knew the story was not serious when the hijacker demanded a reduction in the price of weed, back in line with inflation. There's a piece I have been writing about Political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, currently held on Death Row in Philadephia, who has had his latest appeal overturned by the supreme court. Also ongoing in the news is the latest UN debacle surrounding the Racism conference taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, where Israel, of all countries is considering boycotting the event if they feel other countries are being racist towards them. When I pick myself up from the laughter I'll make a comment, against the Nation who recently installed Benjamin Netanyahu, as president, yes the same man who said 9/11 was good for Israel. More on Israel in a subsequent blog.

And finally the decision to sentence the owners of Pirate Bay for - what I am not exactly sure. Whatever next? will we need to pay for online porn and what about the performers in those sex video's? Will we start to see a series of counter claim's against owners who have a vast collection of those 45 minute special's on their hard-drive's? Again check back at tspoonfr for an article about internet piracy later in the week.

So that's it for now. Come back later in the week, where you can expect more disclosing, naming and shaming report's which entwine that of the political, entertainment, financial and sporting world's.


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